The fans have spoken--seriously delicious gluten free

We’re always innovating at Amanda Lynn Gluten Free, and the one constant our customers can count on is quality, delicious food made from locally sourced ingredients.

From the very beginning — when we sold our handmade perogies to Manitobans in craft fairs and farmers' markets — we’ve been committed to using real ingredients to make all of our products. 

When you eat our handmade perogies, for instance, they’re made with Manitoba-grown potatoes and locally sourced ingredients like dill and leeks from a farm in Niverville, MB. The fresh mushrooms for our Mushroom Medley Perogies are grown right here in Winnipeg! Our dedication to quality has not changed since we moved from boutique batches to our dedicated gluten free facility in Anola, Manitoba in 2018.

And by the way, don’t let the gluten free label put you off! All of our products — from our perogies and cabbage rolls to our soups and desserts — are scrumptious. 

“I’ve had people taste our products and say there’s no way that these are gluten free!” laughs founder Amanda Lynn. “I know that gluten free foods don’t always taste good, but you can count on us. I care about what you eat and I really want to make great tasting food.”

She’s not kidding. It took her over two years of testing (that’s a lot of failed batches of perogies!) before she created her signature gluten free dough recipe. Some will say that Amanda Lynn did the impossible: She created a gluten free dough that achieves that lovely light elasticity of a wheat-based dough and another dough that is vegan.

gluten free perogies

Business has grown, with more than 60 retail stores across Manitoba carrying her ever-expanding range of gluten free products. Those best-selling perogies that started her business? There are now more than 20 varieties, with special editions like Purple Baked Potato quickly selling out. 

“People will ask me, how do they compare to normal perogies? I tell them honestly, they’re just a little bit better!” laughs Amanda Lynn. Online reviewers agree.

If you haven’t tried her take-&-bake pizzas, you must. Even if you don’t need to eat a gluten free crust.

gluten free pizza

“I’ve had people buy them for friends who need to eat gluten free or vegan,” explains Amanda Lynn. “If they try them, they’re often surprised by how delicious they are!”

One of her employees grabbed a take-&-bake pizza for his dinner.

“He came back and told me it was so good that I’ve ruined ‘normal’ pizza for him now. The next time he had a takeout pizza with a wheat crust, it just didn’t taste as good.  He doesn’t have to eat gluten free, but he’s hooked.”

Aside from introducing new gluten free (and vegan) products, Amanda Lynn is also launching a new website that will make shopping for her brand easier. Check out the new website and online store, which features:

  • Perogies
  • Cabbage Rolls
  • Oven Ready
  • Desserts
  • Merchandise
  • News & Event Calendar
  • A store locator to quickly find our retail partners

Plus, if you live in Winnipeg, you can now order any of the Amanda Lynn product lines and have your order delivered to you because we’ve partnered with the city’s first locally owned, environmentally friendly, zero emissions courier service. Envirodel is owned by Amanda Lynn’s brother Tyler and uses fully electric vehicles for all of its deliveries. 

“I’ve always said we want everyone to eat well and love local businesses,” explains Amanda Lynn. “Now that we’ve partnered with Envirodel, Winnipeggers can get wholesome food delivered by a local family business that wants to do better for the environment in Manitoba.” 

That’s a win-win-win (with perogies if you want them!). Does it get any better than that?!

Want to place an order? Check out our new website and online store here.